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Gymnastics for Kids

Gymnastics for Kids: More than Just a Sport

Gymnastics is a sport that helps to form a beautiful and healthy posture, and develops coordination of movements and the vestibular apparatus. While doing gymnastics, children develop muscles, strengthen their physique, get used to the loads and become more disciplined. Thus, this sport is universal and suitable for all children without exception, provided there are no medical contraindications.

What are the Benefits of Gymnastics for Children?

Gymnastics is a sport that promotes health and proper body development. If we consider in more detail, among the main useful qualities of gymnastics are:

  • Exercise strengthens the muscular system, tones it, and contributes to the creation of a strong muscular corset.
  • Using shells improves the vestibular apparatus's functions, coordination, and accuracy of movements.
  • Like other types of active sports, gymnastics creates a general strengthening effect, improves immunity, and reduces the risk of diseases. The work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems improves.
  • A child from a young age is accustomed to physical activity, and becomes stronger and more resilient than peers.
  • Regular training disciplines make the child more organized, responsible, and independent.
  • Little gymnasts become more dynamic, persistent, and balanced.
  • In addition to training, some competitions take place in a positive atmosphere. This contributes to the socialization of children in society and teaches them to work in a team.

Medical contraindications

Gymnastics is considered a traumatic sport, so it is important to find a good coach. At the same time, there are contraindications from doctors, which you need to listen to. These include the following diseases, disorders, and health conditions:

  • diabetes
  • heart defects;
  • advanced stages of scoliosis;
  • diseases and pathologies in the spine (especially the cervical spine);
  • myopia at different stages.

Thus, before enrolling your child in gymnastics, it is recommended to consult with specialists.

More than Just a Hobby

Like any other sport, gymnastics, of course, can remain only a hobby, a way to keep a child's body healthy, strengthen his will and spend a lot of children's energy, directing him in the right direction.

But gymnastics can also become something much more for a child. If your son or daughter shows a talent for this sport, it can be developed with the help of hard work and good coaches. Regular competitions, training, again competitions - this is not suitable for everyone, but for professional athletes - this is a lifestyle, calling, and goal. And this is also the moment when gymnastics ceases to be just a hobby but becomes a job that brings money. And in the future, perhaps an Olympic medal.

Queen City Gymnastics

7900 E. Kemper Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
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